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Greetings Fellow Music Lovers.

āš”Welcome to our website! My name is Diesel & I am a Folk'n'RollĀ songwriter based here in Paris. I quit corporate a couple of years ago to pursue a music career. It feels so much better being able to express my truths in song than someone else's truth in a meetingšŸ˜ŠĀ 

My favourite aspect is the songwriting. I'll start with canvas dimensions & and a rounded notion of the topic and mood. While there is no guarantee it will make the shelf, I am just glad music lets me take its pulse from time to time.

Check out my approach to songwriting in the clip below šŸ‘‡

āš”"Diesel" stems from the mechanics & legwork that goes into crafting of the songs which contrasts with ā€œTrampolineā€ that feeling of freedom when I play.Ā 

& Music can also be a great healer. Evoking subconscious feelings & releasing those even vulnerable emotions in a harmonious flow.Ā 

Below is an short introduction to some of my work Ā ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹

Who is Diesel Trampoline ?

An Artist

A Poet

A Musician

Itā€™s only recently that I truly understood why I was consumed by music from a young age. It was a actually coping mechanism. I experienced a trauma as a kid that I had buried in memory which only recently re-surfaced. My early songwriting was in fact a medium to allow my subconsciousness to express itself without a filter. I am amazed how music can not only bring people together but can also heal..

We made it ! I thought it would never end )

Maybe it won't ..

āš”Rock On family!

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